About Us
The Residential Painting Experts in San Antonio
Rodriguez Painting in San Antonio, TX has more than 25 years of experience in residential painting. We started off as a small company and have gradually grown into a company that has a reputation for exceptional work. We strive to give you high quality services giving attention to details that are known to produce dramatic results and at the best cost possible. Our competitive pricing, experienced crews, and our guarantee to your satisfaction separates us from the competition.
Exceptional Painting Services
Rodriguez Painting is a regional painting company that provides A+ painting services and guarantees customer satisfaction. When you hire our painters, we assure you that the job will get done effectively and efficiently. We are consistently working to better our company and our employees to make sure we provide our clients with the best products and services available. For bringing the best colors to your home, we believe in using top-notch products. Which is why, we are also the dealers of Sherwin William Paints.
Our staff is well trained with all residential exterior painting jobs and can help you make the exterior of your home look well painted and long-lasting.
- Insured
- Licensed
- 3 Year Warranty
- References Available
- Carpentry Repair